Monday, September 21, 2009

New things.

I got 2 mastered tracks up on my myspace.

Sounding Good.

New material up here soon.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Setlist for Friday August 28th

Mass Street Crash

You crash too much
Just like the time your smile
Collided with my eyes
An image exquisitly splatter painted on the canvas of my memory
A masterpiece in my mind
That I can only use words to describe
are my words enough to paint pictures?
With grace you rode by beaming
Mass street never looked so sweet
Weak in the knees with jello mold feet
My brain starts to work overtime
Treading an ocean of thought waves began to swell
Crashing on the shores of my perception
Leaving patterns in the sand of my understanding
Distance may have changed the tides
Disconnection is like a drought
Memories wilt and wither longing to be hydrated
Your voice is like a steady rain
That brings a refreshing sensation to my brain
Your smile was like a seed planted in my thoughts
Watered by your voice and nourished by your words
You were a farmer before canada opened its doors
My smile is organic and it sprouted from Yours

Wild Man
I was born in the wrong time period
If I could go back
I would be a wild man!
I would roam the wilderness
Fighting beside my comrades
My heart longs for Adventure
For battle and beauty
I am not made for this time
I was not made within the walls of Eden
Like Adam I was molded by my maker for the wilderness
The call of the wild becomes ever quiet
Less than a whisper
Drowned out by cubicles and clacking keys
Covered up by the noise of this pre-packaged lifestyle
A soft echo throughout Manufactured landscapes
Mountains replaced with Skyscrapers and Office buildings
Valleys and the great plains covered by suburban living
Where then can I find Adventure?
I long to wander the icy tundra and the mossy Forrest
With the Fellowship of my brothers in arms
I yearn to fight for the beauty He hath sent me.
My desire to wake up to your eyes is intense and true
My Heart set on Adventure even after I find you.

On Ignorance
Nobody is as close as I had thought

The truth is I have never been this far

I am a million miles away

Floating among the stars

You'll lay staring into my speckled black abyss

But you'll never find me as long as I am easy to dismiss

Consider your life for a moment

Ponder the finer points and reflect on your pain

These are the things that fuel my brain

I slip easily through freezing nothingness

No real direction, eyes closed against icy emptiness

Forever in all directions

Any glimpse and your head will swim

Your stomach will turn and your heart will freeze

The epitome of fear will burrow into your back

Trust me any ignorance you find will tell you

It is best to stay blind

Thats all.

May the Force be with you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I had this sung to me today.

He sailed away off the coast of maine where the waves no longer show their shapes.
They just are, like the wind through the grass, it moves.
And as we said goodbye upon the shore I dipped my fingers into his skin and the waves grabbed around my ankles, but they could not hold and the ocean thrashed blindly at it's edges without eyes to see ripping away the sand beneath me.
But the calm at the center of the ocean pulled him in and away from me.

They say his boat went down off the coast of Maine where the waves no longer show their shapes. They just are, like the rain down your cheek, it moves.
And as we said goodbye upon the shore I dipped my toes into his skin and the waves grabbed around my ankles, but they could not keep hold.
So I walked where he would pull me without eyes to see letting go of the fear which held me in his absence, but the grace at the center of the ocean pulled me in.

-Lauren Ray

She wouldn't appreciate me Slapping her name on this However. its beautiful and she wrote it. I want people to read it. in fact I want people to hear her sing it. its excellent it really is.
She inspires me.

I love you Lauren.

on ignorance..

Nobody is as close as I had thought

The truth is I have never been this far
I am a million miles away

Floating among the stars 
You'll lay staring into my speckled black abyss

But you'll never find me as long as I am easy to dismiss

Consider your life for a moment

Ponder the finer points and reflect on your pain
These are the things that fuel my brain

I slip easily through freezing nothingness

No real direction, eyes closed against icy emptiness

Forever in all directions

Any glimpse and your head will swim

Your stomach will turn and your heart will freeze

The epitome of fear will burrow into your back

Trust me any ignorance you find will tell you

Its best to stay blind

May the Force be with you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I just sat up in my bed on the note application on my phone. and wrote the saddest poem I've ever written. I think it might have been beautiful. when it was finished I read it over and I cried. I cried pretty good. it was titled "When I don't Exist" I accidentally deleted it. Really makes me wonder if anyone else would have cried reading it. I may attempt to rewrite it. maybe its better left unshared.
Can't help but wonder though. Could it have changed the minds of anyone? Would it make anyone think differently about anything? Would it save lives? probably not. but one likes to think that he can make a difference in someones life.

I love you

Saturday, July 18, 2009


You crash too much
Just like the time your smile
Collided with my eyes
An image exquisitly splatter painted on the canvas of my memory
A masterpiece in my mind
That I can only use words to describe
are my words enough to paint pictures?
With grace you rode by beaming
Mass street never looked so sweet
Weak in the knees with jello mold feet
My brain starts to work overtime
Treading an ocean of thought waves began to swell
Crashing on the shores of my perception
Leaving patterns in the sand of my understanding
Distance may have changed the tides
Disconnection is like a drought
Memories wilt and wither longing to be hydrated
Your voice is like a steady rain
That brings a refreshing sensation to my brain
Your smile was like a seed planted in my thoughts
Watered by your voice and nourished by your words
You were a farmer before canada opened its doors
My smile is organic and it sprouted from Yours

Friday, July 17, 2009

My Mom insisted on me being Literate

I was just sitting here..Got out this notebook my dad salvaged from the trash years ago. it was a notebook that my mother kept from december of 1993 to march of 1997 but it isnt complete. She wrote down thoughts and quotes in it. Specifically things I said. I wish it was full so I could spend more than 10 minutes reading it before finishing it. There are a couple of pages of star wars quotes in there..My mother was a fan. Not as big as I was..she was part trekkie and a traitor. but thats okay. I love my mother. anyway as I was sitting here just reading the quotes from star wars I came across a quote that is familiar to me and I remember misquoting when I was a lad.

The actual quote
Darth vader to Luke Skywalker : "Join me and together we can rule the Galaxy as Father and Son"
My quote : "Join me and together we can rule the galaxy as far from the sun"

I found it quite amusing. But thats the way I heard it. When you are 8 and you hear James Earl Jones say those exact words..thats what you hear.
I sat there with my face in my hands chuckling at the misquote. and I just started to cry.

August 11th 1994. exactly 1 month before I turned 5 years old..that would be almost 15 years ago.
I am taking a bath listening to my mother read to me. My mom could always get me to take a bath by telling me she would read star wars books to me..I was 4 and loved star wars so hearing awesome stories from grown up books was apealing. I still have all the star wars books we had..well most of them. anyway back to the story. I am in the bath..listening to awesome star wars stories and my big brother Hugh would always come in and sit and listen as well. when I say to my brother.
"I'll give you 26 million dollars if you smell my bum" I was 4 years old.. Almost 5
Pretty funny huh?

May 1997. I read a billboard as we are driving through Kansas City that is about St Lukes. I told my mother who was at the time a devout Athiest and was raising me up as one as well that I was going to be a Saint. From what I read in this notebook she explained to me that Saints couldnt get married. I told her that I would never get married. and that I was going to be a saint. She wrote below my words "Saints cannot have children" My Mom wanted me to have kids.
Funny thing. I became a Saint. and so did She.

I wish I had more of my mothers writings.
I can't even imagine the things we would talk about if she were still around today.
I miss doubt about that.

I guess that is all I wanted to write about today.

I love you

Friday, July 10, 2009


Almost 3 am.. About to record a thought track. Just wanting to get some stuff out and recorded for any who are interested to listen to. Just thoughts. Not really forcing anyone to listen to them..If you want to know what I am thinking about then head on over and check out the first track. should be sweet.

Ive been pretty brain dead lately creatively speaking of course..haven't really written any poems since newb sausage and I am not even sure I can share that with you guys. not that anyone really reads this..unless they stumble upon it from my myspace.. which only has about 30 friends..gotta start small you know.

Holy crap..Just got distracted in looking for bands that need a vocalist..found 4 decent sounding bands that need a vocalist..One of those bands is As Blood Runs I was in that band I'd be set..I guess. I dunno last time I saw them was on animosity's brutalitour 2007. They haven't released a cd since then but the new stuff sounds sick..prolly not a good move to try for them. I'll pass.

anyway..gotta get to recording
check it out